понедельник, 31 июля 2017 г.

The Lost Arts of the Outdoors

The Lost Arts of the Outdoors
Outside Magazine has compiled quite the all-encompassing a list of outdoors how-tos — from starting a fire to making coffee in the wild to having (good) sex in a tent.

http://ift.tt/2vceuVc August 1, 2017 at 05:05AM
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Report: President Trump himself crafted his son’s misleading Russia statement

Report: President Trump himself crafted his son’s misleading Russia statement
The president scrapped a plan to release a more forthcoming account of Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer.

http://ift.tt/2uesdq9 August 1, 2017 at 04:30AM
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'The Clintons Could Steal a Hot Stove': Roger Stone Sounds Off on Trump's Crazy Week

'The Clintons Could Steal a Hot Stove': Roger Stone Sounds Off on Trump's Crazy Week
Pacific Standard caught up with the firebrand political consultant and Trump confidante about the latest West Wing intrigue, including his admiration for Anthony Scaramucci (who would get canned from his role as communications director hours after this conversation).

http://ift.tt/2f2JsIY August 1, 2017 at 04:30AM
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Proxima b Probably Isn't Habitable After All, NASA Says

Proxima b Probably Isn't Habitable After All, NASA Says
We once had such high hopes for Proxima b. We thought that the Earth-like planet might be covered in a single, giant ocean; that it might be habitable; that it might even currently host life. But a new study from NASA seems to put the final nail in the coffin of those dreams.

http://ift.tt/2tSCd8W August 1, 2017 at 03:40AM
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How to Have (Good) Sex in a Tent

How to Have (Good) Sex in a Tent
Quietly, is the short answer. Or as loud as you want, if you're way out in the middle of nowhere.

http://ift.tt/2vZNcir August 1, 2017 at 03:25AM
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A new study claims we can tell rich from poor in split seconds

A new study claims we can tell rich from poor in split seconds

http://ift.tt/2vcerIW August 1, 2017 at 03:10AM
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Here's who is most vulnerable to misuse prescription opioids

Here's who is most vulnerable to misuse prescription opioids

http://ift.tt/2f2EU5i August 1, 2017 at 02:20AM
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Photos from the Largest Ballroom Competition in the World

Photos from the Largest Ballroom Competition in the World
More than 2,000 members of the global house and ball community gathered in New York for the Latex Ball, the world's largest annual ballroom competition and where HIV awareness meets the drama and glamour of ball culture.

http://ift.tt/2f37Zxw August 1, 2017 at 02:20AM
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Massive underground magma pulse caused the world's largest mass-extinction

Massive underground magma pulse caused the world's largest mass-extinction

http://ift.tt/2vgH3AD August 1, 2017 at 12:48AM
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The Space Junk Problem Is About to Get a Whole Lot Gnarlier

The Space Junk Problem Is About to Get a Whole Lot Gnarlier
Thousands and thousands of satellites are set to launch before 2025. Things just got real in low Earth orbit.

http://ift.tt/2wfkRE7 August 1, 2017 at 12:33AM
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First Support for a Physics Theory of Life

First Support for a Physics Theory of Life
Take chemistry, add energy, get life. The first tests of Jeremy England’s provocative origin-of-life hypothesis are in, and they appear to show how order can arise from nothing.

http://ift.tt/2uOMwh7 August 1, 2017 at 12:13AM
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Make Concrete Roman Again! - Facts So Romantic

Make Concrete Roman Again! - Facts So Romantic

http://ift.tt/2vZtH9s July 31, 2017 at 11:43PM
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Building Codes for Bacterial Cities

Building Codes for Bacterial Cities

http://ift.tt/2uP2HeE July 31, 2017 at 11:43PM
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Rocking the Kremlin

Rocking the Kremlin

http://ift.tt/2tXKXic July 31, 2017 at 10:48PM
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The Violent, Lonely World of Myanmar’s Child Boxers

The Violent, Lonely World of Myanmar’s Child Boxers

http://ift.tt/2uRNaJo July 31, 2017 at 10:18PM
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Alphabet Wants to Fix Renewable Energy’s Storage Problem — With Salt

Alphabet Wants to Fix Renewable Energy’s Storage Problem — With Salt

http://ift.tt/2vgxpOl July 31, 2017 at 10:13PM
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Five Years Ago Today We Relaunched Digg — Here's How We Did it

Five Years Ago Today We Relaunched Digg — Here's How We Did it
We're not sure if you know this, but before Digg looked like this, it used to be... different. This video from 2012 shows how the new Digg team tore down and rebuilt an iconic internet brand from the ground up in just six weeks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=ifttt&v=WF-0zK5wz_o July 31, 2017 at 10:08PM
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Los Angeles makes deal to host 2028 Summer Olympics

Los Angeles makes deal to host 2028 Summer Olympics
The deal will bring the Olympics back to Southern California for a third time, after Los Angeles hosted the Games in 1984 and 1932. It also opens the door for Paris to host the Games seven years from now.

http://ift.tt/2vghsaJ July 31, 2017 at 09:18PM
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Going Undercover With Africa’s Premier Anti-Poaching Unit

Going Undercover With Africa’s Premier Anti-Poaching Unit

http://ift.tt/2hgMeLb July 31, 2017 at 09:08PM
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Meet the Resistance: The Hunters Fighting For Public Lands

Meet the Resistance: The Hunters Fighting For Public Lands
The crowd at the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers annual Rendezvous is a mix of biologists, military vets, TV hunting personalities, former hippies, and ardent Trump supporters. All are dedicated to one issue: the preservation of America’s wild public lands.

http://ift.tt/2f1hgGt July 31, 2017 at 09:08PM
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This Girl Has Been Missing For 19 Years, But You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Her

This Girl Has Been Missing For 19 Years, But You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Her

http://ift.tt/2uRcJtQ July 31, 2017 at 09:03PM
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For 20 Years, This Man Has Survived Entirely by Hacking Online Games

For 20 Years, This Man Has Survived Entirely by Hacking Online Games
A hacker says he turned finding and exploiting flaws in popular MMO video games into a lucrative, full-time, job.

http://ift.tt/2wep4YP July 31, 2017 at 08:58PM
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This Girl Has Been Missing For 19 Years, But You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Her

This Girl Has Been Missing For 19 Years, But You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Her
Lost amid the flurry of attention that focuses on missing white girls and women are the names of black girls who disappear. Veronica Pate's daughter, ShyShy, is one of them.

http://ift.tt/2vfTEUD July 31, 2017 at 08:43PM
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Guy Farts While Benching, Spotter Drops Bar On Him From Laughing So Hard

Guy Farts While Benching, Spotter Drops Bar On Him From Laughing So Hard
Yeah, it's sort of juvenile to laugh at a fart, but then again, so are we. So we forgive the spotter for dropping the bar on his buddy because it brought us the sound of these beautiful laughs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=ifttt&v=0F7BCPd14p8 July 31, 2017 at 08:33PM
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The Drug Runners

The Drug Runners
The Tarahumara of northern Mexico became famous for their ability to run incredibly long distances. In recent years, cartels have exploited their talents by forcing them to ferry drugs into the US. Now, with their land ravaged by violence, they’re running for their lives.

http://ift.tt/2vYs7oB July 31, 2017 at 08:23PM
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This Bogus Cancer Cure From The 1970s Is Finding New Life Online

This Bogus Cancer Cure From The 1970s Is Finding New Life Online

http://ift.tt/2tRiwhJ July 31, 2017 at 08:08PM
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Put Your Headphones On And Enjoy The Sultry Sounds Of Foods And Dudes

Put Your Headphones On And Enjoy The Sultry Sounds Of Foods And Dudes
We love Andrew Huang and we love Super Deluxe and we love this video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=ifttt&v=dKJwSfxv1fE July 31, 2017 at 04:48PM
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Should You Pee on Your Lawn?

Should You Pee on Your Lawn?
Does urinating in the yard help to fertilize it? We asked the experts a silly question.

http://ift.tt/2vlHSIZ July 31, 2017 at 04:39PM
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The next iPhone’s screen design and face unlock apparently confirmed by HomePod firmware

The next iPhone’s screen design and face unlock apparently confirmed by HomePod firmware

http://ift.tt/2wdJxgd July 31, 2017 at 04:39PM
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Why your muscles hurt so much the day after you work out

Why your muscles hurt so much the day after you work out

http://ift.tt/2vf1jm7 July 31, 2017 at 04:33PM
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Soccer and the pursuit of meaning inside Kakuma

Soccer and the pursuit of meaning inside Kakuma
Soccer and the pursuit of meaning inside the world’s third-largest refugee camp.

http://ift.tt/2vf0QjE July 31, 2017 at 04:28PM
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Donald Trump's Cowboy Enforcer Is Ready for His Closeup

Donald Trump's Cowboy Enforcer Is Ready for His Closeup

http://ift.tt/2veXux4 July 31, 2017 at 04:18PM
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The latest dangerous drug trend doesn't actually exist

The latest dangerous drug trend doesn't actually exist
What the hell is a “narcan party” anyway?

http://ift.tt/2tQEKAr July 31, 2017 at 04:18PM
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Why We Shouldn’t Think About College as a Business

Why We Shouldn’t Think About College as a Business

http://ift.tt/2vbnnya July 31, 2017 at 04:13PM
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A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Privacy While Dating

A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Privacy While Dating
Love makes people do dumb stuff. But there are practical, easy steps we can take to maintain our privacy during romantic relationships, and changing one simple behavior now could keep us safe later on if the relationship ends badly.

http://ift.tt/2tQwaBS July 31, 2017 at 04:03PM
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Apple Versus the Trademark Sleuths

Apple Versus the Trademark Sleuths
For years, self-styled gumshoes have unearthed the names of soon-to-launch gadgets by searching trademark offices from Jamaica to Trinidad. Then that got a lot harder.

http://ift.tt/2tQZgAS July 31, 2017 at 04:03PM
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пятница, 28 июля 2017 г.

Busted: How police brought down a tech-savvy prostitution network in Bellevue

Busted: How police brought down a tech-savvy prostitution network in Bellevue

http://ift.tt/2uGjQXJ July 28, 2017 at 10:35PM
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The Whole World Votes On World Peace Into Today's Best Short

The Whole World Votes On World Peace Into Today's Best Short
Wow we can't believe the vote went the way it did considering the polls said what they said.

http://ift.tt/2tKpcy3 July 28, 2017 at 10:10PM
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How Safe Is America's Hottest Heroin Addiction Treatment?

How Safe Is America's Hottest Heroin Addiction Treatment?
Vivitrol is all the rage amid a brutal opioid epidemic. But it may also make it almost impossible to feel pleasure — and raise the risk of fatal overdose after relapse.

http://ift.tt/2v4tzIg July 28, 2017 at 10:05PM
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Living with Endometriosis, an Agonizing Disease with No Known Cause or Cure

Living with Endometriosis, an Agonizing Disease with No Known Cause or Cure

http://ift.tt/2v4B7e7 July 28, 2017 at 09:25PM
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Down the Mighty Columbia River, Where a Power Struggle Looms

Down the Mighty Columbia River, Where a Power Struggle Looms

http://ift.tt/2v6WqeR July 28, 2017 at 09:20PM
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The Invisible War On American Soil - Topic

The Invisible War On American Soil - Topic

http://ift.tt/2tQgdQd July 28, 2017 at 08:40PM
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How Netflix DDoS’d Itself To Help Protect the Entire Internet

How Netflix DDoS’d Itself To Help Protect the Entire Internet

http://ift.tt/2tQ03pT July 28, 2017 at 08:25PM
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You Can Get Fired For Saying That?

You Can Get Fired For Saying That?

http://ift.tt/2u5lqi7 July 28, 2017 at 08:20PM
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What do Tesla Model 3 buyers want from the most important electric car ever built?

What do Tesla Model 3 buyers want from the most important electric car ever built?

http://ift.tt/2tQ5u8b July 28, 2017 at 07:50PM
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Revisiting The Intro Scene Of Half-Life

Revisiting The Intro Scene Of Half-Life
This opening chapter, "Black Mesa Inbound," is a paradoxical study in indulgence and restraint.

http://ift.tt/2v4C3iJ July 28, 2017 at 07:46PM
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Putin’s Media Czar Was Murdered Just Before Meeting Feds, Officials Say

Putin’s Media Czar Was Murdered Just Before Meeting Feds, Officials Say
The US government ruled Mikhail Lesin’s death an accident, but multiple intelligence and law enforcement officials suspect it was a Russian hit. The government is withholding information so today Buzz

http://ift.tt/2tK1gLr July 28, 2017 at 07:17PM
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This Video Of Rocks Is Computer Animation And It's Blowing Our Minds

This Video Of Rocks Is Computer Animation And It's Blowing Our Minds
The creator of the video mapped a ton of textures using photogrammetry and then fed the data to Unreal Engine, which rendered these shots in real time. Somehow.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_source=ifttt&v=bXouFfqSfxg July 28, 2017 at 07:12PM
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The nipple still isn’t free

The nipple still isn’t free
The movement to loosen Instagram’s nudity policy highlights the difficulty of enacting social media change when the target is the platform.

http://ift.tt/2uETMvW July 28, 2017 at 07:02PM
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A Microsoft Font Really Did Take Pakistan's Prime Minister Down

A Microsoft Font Really Did Take Pakistan's Prime Minister Down

http://ift.tt/2v6veNb July 28, 2017 at 06:57PM
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